european citizenship through the lens of digitalization and sustainability


Project overview:

This project is to create responsible citizens of the European Union and of the world, with a focus on being responsible stewards of technology and of the environment. Our students are not only members of a student body, but they are also citizens of Trujillo, Spain, the European Union, and the world. Digitalization provides the link for everyone to be a part of a global society, but it comes with many dangers. We must provide our students with the skills to be responsible digital citizens. We have had the opportunity to work on developing a curriculum for our students about ethics and technology, but our work is not done. Through this project, we hope to share what we have already learned and created with our fellow European countries, but to also continue collaborating with and learning from them and from others. We must also focus on sustainable digitalization and on a sustainable lifestyle , which will help increase resource efficiency and decrease our environment impact. 


Our Partners:

    Mainz, Germany

Nort Sur Erde, France

Trebic, Czech Republic

Sofia, Bulgaria